Local COVID-19 Info

Polk County Fire District No.1 is working diligently with our local partners to take care of our community. We are constantly working not only to refine and improve our response, but in getting information out to the community and helping engage with schools.
Click here to access local infomration and resources regarding COVID-19.
Monmouth Independence COVID Info.pdfMonmouth Independence COVID Info SPANISH.pdf
Polk County Fire District No. 1 will be hosting an educational lesson for our community to interact with our Firefighters weekly, starting Wednesday April 1st through April 22nd at 11:00 am.
Each week will be a different, fun, and interactive lesson.
Visit https://zoom.us/j/338986378 on Wednesdays at 11:00 am for the Live Lesson!
The lesson will also stream live to our Facebook.